1 905-842-4800


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  • Learning From Nature

    Aliquam id dui facilisis, rhoncus nulla at, tr-istique ante. Nulla tristique sem mi, a aliquet nunc volutpat consequat. Cras ut nisi ut ligula fringilla luctus a quis nisi. Sed ut nulla ut augue consequat efficitur vel eget neque. Ut a felis placerat, vehicula eros sed, vulputate tortor.

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At Peace of Mind Montessori School, we empower your child to become a self-motivated learner, a creative and critical thinker, a responsible member of the community, and a passionate life-long learner.

Contact Us

  • Peace of Mind Montessori School

    1525 Litchfield Road, Oakville, ON L6H 5P4, Canada

    +1 905-842-4800

  • Email

    [email protected]

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